Sunday, September 8, 2013

my child uses girls maxi dress for art project

My daughter had a special art project a few weeks ago.  The teacher asked all the kids to bring in a white t shirt to make a tie dye.  Unfortunately, my girl tends to be a little forgetful, so she never told me of that.  When the big day of the lesson finally arrived, she was very upset to realize that she didn't have the required outfit.  So she ran to her locker to poke around.  She happened to have an old girls maxi dress like this one here.  Maxi dresses in her locker?  Why in the world would she keep it there?  That's a question for a better mother, I suppose.  Anyway, my girl decided to stain the maxi instead.  I guess the instructor didn't have any problems with that, but I certainly did!  I mean, how many times is she going to wear that dress now?  She looks like she escaped from a Grateful Dead concert.

The worst part is, she knows her dress is awful.  She doesn't want it to be, but she realizes it is.  And now the girl misses her old maxi more than ever.  Finally, I broke down and let the kid buy a new maxi dress for girls on the internet.  I found a really cool website that makes all their dresses right here in the USA.  That's pretty unusual these days.  And their selection of dresses couldn't be cuter and funkier.  The fabrics are so inviting and soft.  Nothing itchy or scratchy.  My girl doesn't go for that, no can do.  We found a bunch that we liked, and ordered two.  When the dresses were delivered, she was over the moon excited to wear them everywhere.  She put them on for school, for church, for play dates.  Everywhere.  The girl was practically a walking billboard for TwirlyGirl.  To be honest, I like their girls dresses because they are age appropriate, you know what I mean.  So many girls these days are dressing like sluts or 40 year old cougars desperately clinging to their youth.  I blame that pumpkin head Miley Cyrus, although to be honest, there are lots of forces at work.  

So if you want your girls to remain young, try dressing them in one of these maxi styles.  They really are adorable.  Here is a link to their homepage.  Poke around.  Tour the site.  There's lots of beautiful clothes, not just maxi dresses for girls.  They have skirts, tops, shorts, leggings... and all of it is true to their brand... which is about individuality and creativity.  I think you'll love it as much as my family does.

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