Sunday, November 3, 2013

Energy Bar gets smushed on girls capri leggings

We have a household full of budding athletes and kids on the go.  It seems we are always running from one place to another, without a second to lose.  That means we have to grab many of our meals to go.  I refuse to have the children eat fast food, so we rely heavily on energy bars to snack on while they are at chess tournaments, football and soccer games, and mathletes competitions.  Unfortunately, some of these power foods can get a little janky when left in the heat of our parked car.  Such was the case a few weeks ago when my daughter left some girls capri leggings (similar to this kind) on top of the snack item.  When she returned to the minivan, the food product was smeared all over the capri leggings for girls.  This was highly problematic for my my neat freak kid.  She goes crazy when so much as a crumb touches the hem of a dress she's wearing, so say nothing of almond butter all over the capri leggings.  She freaked out, and started screaming and crying.  She was totally inconsolable.  This child is a real drama queen... just like the father.

We tried scrubbing the leggings with harsh detergents and cleansers, but the cashews were really ground into the fabric.  They were beyond ruined.  Our next plan was to buy some new capri leggings for girls at the local boutique, but because it was sunday, everything was closed.  So plan C involved our old friend the internet.   We performed a google search for girls capri leggings and were pleasantly surprised by the number of website that were offering this unique style.  We clicked on a bunch, but frankly, we were a little underwhelmed by some of them. So we went a little further down the list until we stumbled across a great little website called TwirlyGirl.

TwirlyGirl had a totally cool and fresh selection of capri leggings for girls.  Honestly, we were all stunned by how fun and funky everything was.  My daughter's eyes became as big as saucers. And to tell you the truth, it made me wish I was that age again.  Unfortunately for me, back in the 1980s, clothes were not nearly as creative and unique.  Of course, this was long before the age of the world wide web, which has brought so many terrific products to the world.  There's just so much more choice these days, don't you agree?

When the girls leggings arrived at our home, everyone was thrilled with the quality and craftsmanship of the garment.  Yes, it cost a little more than the cheap foreign made junk at the big box department stores.  But this brand sews all of their clothes in the USA.  Yes, I expect to pay some more.  It's not a big deal.  This is how I sleep at night knowing that an American was paid a fair wage to make clothing for my girls, instead of exploiting some overseas worker.  This link will take you straight to the TwirlyGirl homepage.  I don't ordinarily plug businesses on my blog, but when I find one that I like, then I have no issue with giving them a shout out if it's going to help connect my readers with a well made item.  www.twirlygirlshop.com

Shoebox filled with pictures of girls maxi dress

I'm a thirty-two year old woman.  I've been living in San Diego for almost twelve years now.  I love the city.  It's clean, safe and has a great climate.  Recently, I visited my mom who lives in Rhode Island, in the same house I grew up in.  She asked if I would finally clean out all the crap that I've accumulated in my old closet.  I agreed, knowing full well that I've put off this project for far too long.  I don't think it's been cleaned since I was a little girl.  Actually, I had a lot of fun digging through all that stuff, walking down memory lane.  I found my old cheerleading outfit, as well as some toys, and my old notes from high school.   But what surprised me the most was my old shoe box full of stuff.  As a young girl, I collected lots of things about fashion.  And inside my little treasure chest were tons and tons of photos of girls maxi dresses similar to these.  Maxi dresses were a big favorite of mine back in the day.  I loved how soft and comfortable they were.  How they flowed and made me feel sophisticated.  My mom appreciated the fact that even though these maxis were beautiful, they were also age appropriate.  So much of today's clothing for girls are just smaller versions of grown up clothes... and that's so wrong for many reasons.  Can't we just let kids be kids?  They grow up so fast.  Why rush them?

I have to say, though, I was pretty surprised to see so many clipping of maxi dresses for girls.  I must have taken them from every magazine on the planet.  Vogue, Marie Claire, People, Vanity Faire... you name it, there was a picture of a beautiful girl in a maxi dress.  This style was really popular back in the day.  I was curious to see if it still is. I figured I would just browse a few department stores in my spare time, but then I realized that would just be a giant waste of time.  There's a much faster and simpler way to do it.  I just turned on my computer, accessed the internet, opened a search engine then just typed in girls maxi dress and waited to see what popped up.  I quickly scanned a bunch of websites and yep, this girls dress is as beloved as ever.  But one store caught my eye.  It was called TwirlyGirl and believe me, their girls maxi dresses are really something to see.  Their selection is so stunning and unique.  And I love the fact that all of their girls dresses are manufactured in the USA.  These days, it seems like everything is made overseas, so the fact that someone is keeping business in the country is not lost on me.  I much prefer to buy American, but these days it's pretty hard to find anything!  And believe me, I look everywhere.

I don't have any kids of my own, but I do have three nieces.  I decided I would buy each of them a girls maxi dress from TwirlyGirl for Christmas.  And you would not believe the looks on their faces when they tried on their dresses.  They spun and danced, their maxi dresses twirling high in the air.  My sisters so appreciated the gifts.  I was happy to do it, and now I know exactly what to buy these girls for their birthday presents.  I'm very grateful and pleased that I found TwirlyGIrl.  That's why I liked them on Facebook and post their images on Pinterest.  

This link will take you to their homepage, just in case you want to see all of the beautiful clothes that they offer.  twirlygirl

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Calendar has nothing but pictures of girls capri leggings

My daughter is a fifth grader at Clarke Elementary School.  One of recent project she had for art class was to make a calendar including photos of some favorite things.  For example, many kids had lots of pics of dogs and cats.  Others had sports heroes making great plays.  One had sketches of great presidents in US history.  But not my girl.  She went off the map for this assignment.  She assembled a working 12 month calendar, and on each month was a separate photograph of girls capri leggings (seen here)  Capri leggings are very popular in my household.  We have lots of females walking through these corridors, and they all wear capri leggings because they are so versatile.  They can be worn under a dress or skirt either to accessorize an outfit or to simply make it warmer on a cold autumn day.  Sometimes they put them on just because they make them feel comfy and cozy.  They are perfect for lounging around the house or watching tv in.  I'm not joking.  If I tell you we have dozens of capri leggings lying around this house, that's no exaggeration.  So when my daughter whipped out the camera and began photographing them all about the world, we got a huge kick out of it.  To be honest, she had two dozen awesome snapshots, so we had to narrow them down to 12.  Not to worry, she used the extras to hang above bed so that she can stare at them at night.  No joke.  This girl has a serious addiction to capri leggings for girls, don't you think.  Should I call a shrink, or just a fashion designer.

I should clarify.  She doesn't like all kinds of leggings.  Only capri leggings from TwirlyGirl.  It has to be that brand or she want wear them.  She likes how soft they are, and she thinks their selection of fun and funky patterns is the absolute best.  I wonder if I post this blog piece, and the owners of TwirlyGirl read it, will they send me some free stuff.  That would be nice.  wink wink.  So the thing is now that when my girl turns the page to february she thinks, ooh, I want to get those.  And march, the same thing.  And so on.  And what does she want for christmas?  You got it.  Leggings.  And how about birthdays?  yep, girls leggings.  The kid is a broken record set to fashion.

The teacher who was grading the project gave my kid an A.  But secretly, I suspect she thinks Alice is a psychopath because of this obsession.  She really is a one trick pony.  But I can't fault the child.  I love girls capri leggings as well.  I just wish they came in my size.  I used to be slim.  Well, that's not entirely true.  I used to not be large.  But now that I limit myself to only two burgers a day, I'm not terrible.  Anyway, this link will take you to the TwirlyGirl site.  Check out all of their cute clothes.  You will truly love what they have to offer. Ciao!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Son Wears Lucky Girls Maxi Dress while Playing Video Games

I have two children.  A boy and a girl.  Both are pretty weird.  My daughter likes to walk around the house on her hands.  All the time.  Up and down the stairs, even.  It's enough to give me a heart attack.  My son loves video games.  He's also very superstitious.  Lately, he decided that the girls maxi dress (photo) that my girl wears brings him lots of luck while at the videogame console.  So much, in fact, that he insists on wearing it when he's playing in a tournament or against a big competitor.  Yes, I find this behavior to be odd, and a little troubling.  But the worst part is how my girl reactions.  She wants the maxi dress back, and I can't say I blame the child.

Things finally boiled over last weekend when the kid refused to take off the maxi dress for girls, no matter how much we begged and pleaded.  I even offered to bribe the kid, which is something I thought I would never do!  I threatened to ground him even.  Aside from citing superstition, the kid said the dresses were super comfortable and soft.  That much is true, according to my girl.  She started to scream and cry, so finally I decided I would just buy the girl a brand new maxi dress from her favorite brand, TwirlyGirl.  Actually, TwirlyGirl now seems to be both my children's favorite brand, wouldn't you say?

Anyway, we fired up the computer and logged onto their website to search their collection of girls maxi dresses.  They really have a great selection of super cute dresses.  She picked out one, and when she showed my boy a photo of it, he became very jealous.  That's his problem, though.  I did warn my daughter that she should keep the new maxi dress under lock and key in case the brother got any wild ideas about stealing it.

The dress for girls arrived a few days later, and she was very pleased with the selection she made.  Hopefully, our family shrink can make sense of this whole thing.  I scheduled an extra long session over the weekend so that we, as a family, can talk about our obsession with the girls maxi dress.  This is a link to the TwirlyGirl homepage in case you want to see what the fuss is all about.  Once you see a picture or two, I think you'll get it.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

girls capri leggings put on mannequin in classroom

My daughter just started seventh grade.  Some refer to that as middle school, other as high school.  Whatever you call it, it's a whole new ball game for the child.  Kids have to move from class to class, they get a locker instead of a cubby, and the subjects are a lot more serious as well as the resources devoted to it.  I'll give you an example.  In biology, the students are treated to a life size, anatomically correct model.  You can see all of the organs and bones and stuff.  It's a little creepy, which is why someone played a prank on it.  During recess, someone snuck into the room and dressed the male figure in girls clothing.  Specifically, girls capri leggings similar to these were put on the legs.  Capri leggings are hugely popular with the my girls friends.  They wear them all the time.  Under skirts and dresses, while watching tv, on sleepovers, or even all by themselves.  If there's one item that needs to be packed on any trip, it's capri leggings for girls.  That much is a given.  So naturally, all the girls had a good laugh to see the figure wearing leggings for girls.  LOL!

Unfortunately, no one took a photo of it!  Cell phones are banned during regular hours, and the statue was quickly disrobed by the teaching staff.  I don't know why.  Now he's nude!  The funny thing is, after my girl saw it, she wanted to get capri leggings just like it.  When she got home, we conducted a quick internet search and found an awesome site that sells capri leggings for girls.  They were so cute. We probably purchased a half dozen or so.  Why not?  My girl wears them all the time.  I almost wanted to buy a pair for the dummy!

What I like most about the capris from TwirlyGirl is that the fabrics are super soft and the stitches are hidden so as not to be itchy or scratchy.  Plus the patterns are really fun and funky.  Some of the legs are even mismatched.  It really makes a fashion statement when a girls puts these leggings on.  I'm here, now get used to me!  I also appreciate the customer service they give you there.  When I called, I wasn't placed on hold, nor did I have to go through a barrage of questions from an automated phone system.  I also love how they laid out their website.  It was really creative and innovative.  Instead of boring copy that describes each product or girls dress, there are fun stories and poems that invoke a magical world… accessible to any girl who wears one of their dresses.  They took the time to create a universe and guess what?  I'm buying it!  I could go on and on about TwirlyGirl, but it really is best if you just experience it yourself, which is why I'm attaching a link.  Just click on it, and you will go to their landing page.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

my child uses girls maxi dress for art project

My daughter had a special art project a few weeks ago.  The teacher asked all the kids to bring in a white t shirt to make a tie dye.  Unfortunately, my girl tends to be a little forgetful, so she never told me of that.  When the big day of the lesson finally arrived, she was very upset to realize that she didn't have the required outfit.  So she ran to her locker to poke around.  She happened to have an old girls maxi dress like this one here.  Maxi dresses in her locker?  Why in the world would she keep it there?  That's a question for a better mother, I suppose.  Anyway, my girl decided to stain the maxi instead.  I guess the instructor didn't have any problems with that, but I certainly did!  I mean, how many times is she going to wear that dress now?  She looks like she escaped from a Grateful Dead concert.

The worst part is, she knows her dress is awful.  She doesn't want it to be, but she realizes it is.  And now the girl misses her old maxi more than ever.  Finally, I broke down and let the kid buy a new maxi dress for girls on the internet.  I found a really cool website that makes all their dresses right here in the USA.  That's pretty unusual these days.  And their selection of dresses couldn't be cuter and funkier.  The fabrics are so inviting and soft.  Nothing itchy or scratchy.  My girl doesn't go for that, no can do.  We found a bunch that we liked, and ordered two.  When the dresses were delivered, she was over the moon excited to wear them everywhere.  She put them on for school, for church, for play dates.  Everywhere.  The girl was practically a walking billboard for TwirlyGirl.  To be honest, I like their girls dresses because they are age appropriate, you know what I mean.  So many girls these days are dressing like sluts or 40 year old cougars desperately clinging to their youth.  I blame that pumpkin head Miley Cyrus, although to be honest, there are lots of forces at work.  

So if you want your girls to remain young, try dressing them in one of these maxi styles.  They really are adorable.  Here is a link to their homepage.  Poke around.  Tour the site.  There's lots of beautiful clothes, not just maxi dresses for girls.  They have skirts, tops, shorts, leggings... and all of it is true to their brand... which is about individuality and creativity.  I think you'll love it as much as my family does.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Husband uses girls capri leggings as coffee filter

My husband is either ingenious or an idiot.  Or industrious.  It's hard to tell.  One thing for sure is, the man loves his morning coffee.  He's a complete wreck without it.  Here's proof.  The other day, he woke up cranky and stumbled his way into the kitchen to brew a pot.  When he got there, he realized we were completely out of filters.  Rather than skip a day of joe, or go to a local Starbucks, the man pilfered through the laundry pile and pulled out some girls capri leggings like these.  Girls leggings are appropriate for a lot of things.  Girls can wear them to school, under a dress or a skirt, to church, or to a sleepover, or just while lounging around the house watching TV.  But one thing they should never be used for, is making an espresso!

My husband made himself a nice hot piping carafe, and got his daily caffeine fix.  He then dumped the grounds into the garage and threw the capri leggings into the wash.  The next day, when my girl pulled them out, they were stained completely brown.  The man completely and utterly ruined the leggings. When I pressed the dude on it, he played dumb, then started laughing.  He confessed that he had used the capri leggings for girls as a matter of last resort.  Uh, thanks a lot, bro.  My girl was pretty pissed, and my spouse just thought it was the funniest thing ever.  That is, until I laid some hard science on him:  he would have to buy and even better pair of capri leggings for our girl or face my wrath.

So we did an internet search.  I was determined to find the best pair of girls capri leggings on the planet, and you know what, I think I did just that!  I stumbled upon a really cute site for girls clothing called TwirlyGirl.  All of their clothes are manufactured in the USA, and their selection is super cute.  It was page after page of adorable clothing.  Our girls eyes light up, and you can see Mark's face fall.  He knew he was in for a big shopping spree.  And that's exactly what happened.  We loaded up our cart with lots of girls clothes, including several capri leggings.  The order was delivered a few days later, and we were completely ecstatic with the quality of the merchandise and TwirlyGirl's prompt customer service.  We were so satisfied, I decided to dedicate an entire blog piece to TwirlyGirl.  Plus, it was a slow news week.  LOL!  Here's a link to their website.  Definitely check them out.  Their stuff is so adorable.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mother in law has no idea what a girls maxi dress is

My mother in law is a lovely, caring woman.  I definitely got lucky in that department.  I hear horror stories from my girlfriends about the families that they marry into, and I'm happy to say, I don't have their problems.  That said, I do wish my husband's mother was either a little more hip, or a little more willing to ask questions instead of pretending like she knows everything.  Let me give you an example.  My girl just turned eight years old.  Shelly, wanted to know what to buy the kid for her birthday.  I told Shel that she would really love and appreciate a girls maxi dress like this one.  Maxi dresses are really stunning and comfortable, and they are also age appropriate for girls.  She said she would get right on it.  I wanted to make sure that she knew exactly what a maxi dress was, but she insisted that she did.  What do you think happened next?

My daughter opened the presents at the party, and when it came time to open the gift from grandma, it was simply awful.  Instead of buying a maxi dress for girls, she purchased some kind of tacky stripper like item that had the phrase maxi printed on the bodice.  There was no way in hell my girl was going to school wearing that thing.... not that she desired to anyway.  She just had a polite smile plastered on the face, but you could tell she was seriously disappointed with the present... especially since she had been told that it was going to be a maxi dress.
Fortunately, granny could read between the lines, and offered to return the dress and get something else.  This time, I made it super clear and easy for the woman.  I sent her the exact link to the kind of maxi dress that my girl wanted.  It was www.twirlygirlshop.com  They have a great selection of beautiful dresses, and even if granmother purchased the wrong dress, at least I was 100% that whatever she bought would be beautiful.  And if it wasn't to my girls taste, at least I knew that TwirlyGirl has a very generous return and exchange policy.   From now on, that's the only place that she is allowed to shop from.  I hate to sound ungrateful.  I truly am not.  But I just wish she were a little more open to listening, that's all.  These are good problems to have.  I get it.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Instead of Toilet Paper, Teens Cover Tree in Girls Capri Leggings

Honestly, i don't know what this is about.  Truly.  But lately, some teenagers in our neighborhood have been TP'ing the trees in the middle of the night.  Af first this was kind of funny.  I remember what it was like to be young and stupid.  (As opposed to old and stupid.)  However, the antics never stopped, and believe me, that kind of behavior grows old fast.  Some of the neighbors complained to the cops, even though no one wanted to get the kids in trouble.  After all, they're one of our own.  Eventually, the hyjinks stopped.  But then a few weeks later, they started up again.  Only know, instead of using toilet paper, these kids covered an oak in girls capri leggings like those found here.  I sincerely don't know what these children were doing, because these capri leggings were totally cute!  Whoever they took them from must be pretty darn pissed, I'll tell you what.

When my girls saw all those capri leggings hanging from the branches, they were shocked.  They were like, "Mama, why would they ruin all those leggings?"  I didn't have a good answer for that.  Later, before bed the girls asked me if they could have some capris like the pretty ones hanging from the arms of the tree.  I wasn't sure if we would be able to find any that cute.  I mean, these had mismatched legs and fun, colorful patters.  But alas, the internet didn't let me down.  In fact, it was kind of easy to find them.  I just did a search for "Capri leggings for girls" and one of the top hits was a cool website called TwirlyGirl.  And wouldn't you know it, their leggings were even prettier than the ones dangling over the lawn!  We filled our cart with a whole bunch of them, and in a few days, our leggings arrived.  The girls could not have been happier if they were vacation on the island of Capri!  LOL!  See what I did there?  It's a pun, or a play on words.  I did it to illicit laughter.

The next day, the girls wore their capri leggings while walking the dog around the block.  One of the locals asked if they took them off the pine.  Idiot, it's an oak.  Can't he tell the difference?!   And no, we did not!  We ordered them off TwirlyGirl.  Then we gave him the link to their website to prove it.  Here's a link for you as well, just in case you're asking the same question. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Child Wearing Girls Maxi Dress Shows up Adults in Aerobics Class

Three times a week, I drag my flabby but to the aerobics class at the local gym.  It's mostly filled with middle aged women like myself who are trying to get back the body they think they had, but really never did.  We throw on our workout clothes, fill our water bottles, and proceed to act like lunatics for 45 minutes, thinking that will reverse the damage of years of bodily neglect.  Bummer huh?   It gets worse.  Just as I thought I was finally improving my fitness level after three straight months, I was shown up by a first timer.  Why is this so humiliating?  Because was a ten year old girl.  And she didn't stretch or warm up.  She wasn't even dressed right.  She was wearing a girls maxi dress like this kind.  Maxi dresses are cute, fun, and fashion forward.  But they belong on the beach, or at a party.  Not at a freaking cardio class!!

So while all of us gals were huffing and puffing, barely keeping up with the hot instructor who I would like to strangle, the girl in the maxi dress was prancing and dancing, barely out of breath.  I mean, she was singing while exercising.  The rest of us were too winded to even talk.   This went on throughout the whole class.  While we were doing jacks, ab work, jump knee tucks.... everything.  We were struggling, and the kid wearing the maxi dress for girls was breezing right through it. I don't know if this can be attributed to youth, or fantastic super human genetics.  Or maybe the girls maxi dress simply gave the kid superpowers.  Whatever the case, I think all of us kind of resented this kid.

When I got home, I told my family about this child.  And the only thing the really wanted to know was more about the dress!  The even made me doing an internet search for girls maxi dress so that I could show them a picture.  Unbelievable.  Where's the compassion and humanity?  Why am I the only one outraged and jealous and bitter.  Maybe it's because as I grow older and my body starts to sag and fall about, it angers me.  But at least I'll say this for the maxi girl:  she's enjoying her age to the fullest!

Whatever.  I suppose you want to know more about the maxi dress for girls as well.  If this is the case, click here and you can read all about it here.  To your heart's content.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Girls Birthday Dresses are the only Gifts We Gave this Year.

My daughter is in elementary school, and I swear, she gets invited to dozens of parties every year.  That's not to say that she's hugely popular or anything.  She's just average in popularity.  But you know how it goes these days.  Parents are very conscious about not excluding anyone, so half the time, the entire classroom is invited to a birthday party.  Throw in her gymnastics class and music friends... that adds up to a lot of presents we have to give.  So I just made it very easy on myself.  Instead of shopping around for thousands of different gifts, I decided that this year, we were going to give out girls birthday dresses like this one.  Birthday dresses are easy, they are fun, casual, and can be worn to lots of occasions.  They make the lucky girl who's wearing it feel special, pretty, and funky.  So the next logical question was, where are we going to get all of these girls birthday dresses.  I mean, we didn't want to give out some that were prettier than others.  That would be playing favorites. So we did some research online and this is what we discovered.

There are lots of website that sell birthday dresses for girls, but a lot of them sell inferior clothing that's just going to fall apart after one wash.  That's not the kind of gift giver I want to be.   I don't know what the deal is.  Maybe these dresses are manufactured overseas where they don't pay sewers a lot of money, but it ain't for me.  We were able to find one site that manufactures all of their birthday dresses in America.  Can you believe it?  It's called TwirlyGirl and I urge you to check them out.  It's a small little company, but they have such a great selection of unique dresses.  Each dress is made in a limited run.  This was important to me because it makes the present more special. The girl who gets it is not likely to see any other girls wearing the same exact dress.  You know how humiliating that is?  That's why stars don't do it on the red carpet.  To me, this gives each birthday dress a one-of-a-kind appeal.  Let's be honest, I'm kind of taking the lazy way out here, but by shopping at TwirlyGirl, no one else is going to know that.  Each girls dress practically looks custom made, so it looks very special, in my opinion.

Here's a link to the TwirlyGirl website just in case you are confronted with the same motherly problems that I am.  Poke around.  I also like the fact that they gift wrap all of their dresses for free.  The wrap it up in fabric, then tie off the ends like it's a piece of candy.  It really is so sweat.  Talk about making all of my headaches go away.  LOL!  Makes me wish I owned stock in this company.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer Means Maxi Dresses are Out and About!

Summer means many things to different people.  To kids, it's no school or homework.  This has been replaced by camp, barbecues, swimming, sleep overs, camping, and backyard fun!  We live in a cold weather state, so for our girls it's a chance to break out the warm weather clothing.  Dresses that have been hanging tantalizingly in their closets can finally be brought out and warn.  My nine year old girl has a one dress in particular that she could not wait to wear around town: this maxi dress seen here.  Maxi dresses are a fun and popular fashion from the 1970s, and fortunately for out sake, they are back in vogue.

My daughter absolutely adores how she feels in her maxi dress for girls.  She spins and twirls and struts with renewed confidence.  She says it makes her feel sophisticated and unique, and makes her channel her inner Farrah Fawcett, even though she doesn't really know who that is.  She first fell in love with maxis when she was looking at old photos of me in my younger days.  The child's dad says I was quite the stunner back in my day, to which I say, "Hey, I still am!"  So when my child saw that dress on me, she insisted that she get one for herself.  Easier said than done.  But thanks to the internet, there really isn't anything you can't find these days.  So we did a Google search for "Girls maxi dress" and came up with a bunch of sites.  But one really caught our eye.  It's called TwirlyGirl, and they have a great selection of dresses that are all made right here in the USA.  How rare is that these days?  You can't even find Apple Pie made in America, it seems!

So we toured their website and my girl was immediately faced with a huge problem:  she went on there to buy a maxi dress, but fell in love with a bunch of other styles and now she didn't know how to choose.  Seriously, this became a source of great anxiety for the girl.  Oh, to have the problems of a 9 yr old!  But I made it easy for her.  I told the kid we would buy a maxi dress for girls for this summer, so that she could wear it and enjoy it immediately.  And we would return to buy some other dresses when the birthday rolled around, and even for Christmas.  This worked out in my favor because I noticed that TwirlyGirl has a "birthday club" that you can enjoy for free.  You just put your name on a mailing list, and when your girl's special day rolls around, they send you a coupon for 10% off.  Boom!  I'm already saving money.

Go check out TwirlyGirl's website.  They really are a great source for maxi dresses as well as skirts, tops, pants, and leggings.  It's a great clothing line for kids.  Just press this and you'll directed to their online store.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mysterious Girls Capri Leggings Found Under the Couch

File this one under "Mysteries, Unsolved."  Yesterday, my daughter found an old pair of capri leggings like these crumpled in a ball, tucked away behind the couch.  When she unfurled them, we couldn't figure out who they belonged to.  She's the only girl in the house, and certainly I'm too big to fit into these leggings.  I asked her if they could've belonged to one of her friends.  After racking our brains, we couldn't figure out who.  It couldn't be a cousin, or a neighbor.  We really couldn't guess at all.  The style was very funky.  It had mismatched legs, and the fabric was very soft.  Whoever these capris belonged to was certainly missing them because they could not have been cuter!  There was a tag inside, so just to play detective for a few minutes, we decided to do a little more legwork, as it were.  The tag directed us to a website called TwirlyGirl.

Once we visited their website, we had a new problem on our hands.  We checked out their page devoted to girls capri leggings, and although we couldn't find a perfect match for them, we found others very similar.  This made my girl want to buy some.  And when she checked out some of the other dresses and clothes they offered, she wanted to buy them too.  All of their styles were super cute.  The colors and patterns were so vibrant and alive, it made me wish I were still a little girl.  Boy have clothes changed since I was a kid.  Thanks to the internet, you can find whatever you want, as long as you know where to look.  Having a background in marketing, I was also very impressed with the way their marketed their clothes.  All of their dresses and leggings came with a little story or poem describing them.  Sort of a backstory in how it originated.  Of course, it was all made up to be fantastical and whimsical, which made me want to check out their other offerings just to read the creative story behind them!  We were hooked, and to be honest, we wanted to be!  In the end, we never found out who was the original owner of these capri leggings for girls.  But that's ok.  The investigation was fun while it lasted, and we became fans of a great new product.  I'm including a link to their website if you want to check them out for yourself.  Maybe you know a girl who is having a birthday coming up.  A really funky pair of capri leggings might make a cool and unique gift.  They also have a free podcast of original short stories for children, which we found really delightful.  The stories were written by a professional Hollywood screenwriter.  I'm telling you, TwirlyGirl really knows how to make a great first impression.  I dig companies like that!  So here's a link to their store.  Even if you're not in the market for for capri leggings for girls.  You'll admire what they're doing there.

Friday, May 24, 2013

My daughter's fascination with girls capri leggings

It's so funny to look at artwork that four year olds draw.  I'm always fascinated by the way they perceive the world.  If you notice, when they draw people their feet rarely touch the ground.   Theyr'e usually floating in the air, or drifting into outer space.  But when I analyzed the drawings that my little Katie did on the first day of school, I was really struck by what she sketched.  I think it was supposed to be a picture of her older sister.  I mean, it certainly looked like a girl, and her character was dressed the way my older girl wears her clothes.  That is to say, the girl seemed to be wearing capri leggings.  How do I know?  Well, they didn't seem to be pants, and they were only 3/4 length and they were striped.  You see, my older child love to wear capri leggings.  She almost never takes them off.  But that's another story.

She says that capri leggings, like those here, are perfect for any occasion.  She even likes to wear them to sleep because they are so soft and comfy.  But more often than not, she puts them underneath her skirts and dresses on days that are a little cold.  Half the time she wears them with sneakers, because the capri slash sneaker look is uber-funky, as she so often says.  Who raises these kids?  LOL!  Certainly not that deadbeat of a husband I thought I loved for about five minutes.  Have fun with your brain dead girlfriend, Luther!  But I digress.

My girl wears capris everywhere.  It's like her security blanket, I guess.  The cool thing is, she seems to have started a trend with some close friends, because now all the girls  seem to be wearing.  Of course, my oldest would never brag or even admit it.  She's far too good of a friend.  Not at all the Queen Bee type.  In fact, she bought a few friends some capri leggings since they didn't have any of their own, and we got a really good deal on them.  And even though they all kind of go together, none of them are perfect matches.  That would be so weird.  This way, each girl gets to feel unique about the leggings they wear.  We did that by shopping for different styles on the same site.  We found a great website with tons of variety and super soft clothes and gave them away as party favors for the last birthday.  I love sharing online stores with other moms.  And dads.  I don't discriminate.  So here's a link if you feel like checking out their leggings.  Or any of the other clothes they have.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Sandra guest blogs about the Girls Maxi Dress. Welcome Sandra!

My name is Sandra and I'm getting in shape.  I'm eleven years old and I believe that health and fitness is very important and you can never start too early in life to set good habits.  I want to look nice and healthy because I have a big party coming up and I want to be at my best.  So I'm doing jumping jacks, playing lots of Wii, and hopscotch and I also do ten sit ups every day.  I think that's a lot.  It's hard to know.  But the important thing is, I am going to be a good role model for all my friends when I show up to the graduation ceremony looking fit and happy in my maxi dress like this one.

Oh, did I forget to tell you?  I saved up all my money doing chores and errands to buy a girls maxi dress.  I've always been attracted to that style, ever since I was a little kid.  By the way, I'm a tween now, so I don't need your sarcasm.  It's not necessary and certainly not appreciated.  Now, where was I?  Oh, yes.  My maxi dress.  I love the style and elegance.  It makes me feel like one of those old time movie stars.  Like Farrah Faucet.  Whenever I wear them to school, I get tons of compliments.  And not just from my teachers who are a million years old.  My friends like them too.  They're like, what do you call that?  And I'm all, "it's a maxi dress, girl!"  And then we laugh and then I tell them where I bought it from.  There are already two girls my age in my school wearing them.  And just today at lunch, three other girls told me they wanted them too.  Maybe I'm a trend setter.  LOL.  Or maybe I'm like my grandmother's dog.  An Irish Setter.  Laughing out loud, y'all!  My mom says I'm really good at jokes and maybe she's right.  Hollywood, do you have room for a cute girl in a just as cute maxi dress?

Okay, so where did I buy this girls maxi dress.  Well, I bought it online silly.  From a terrific little clothing manufacturer called TwirlyGirl.  They make lots of styles of clothing for girls two through twelve.  If you want to see what they have, then I will post a link to make it simple for you.  Click here.  The way I see it, the more people who buy a maxi dress, the more of a trend setter I am.  So it's not like I'm trying to keep it a secret. Come on, do it!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

My Review of TwirlyGirl's Birthday Dress

All things Duncan has done it again!  This month, I open things up with a review of TwirlyGirl's Birthday Dress.  As you all know, I own a super fab blog, that everyone loves to read.  I have so many visitors, that I often get to review products, then post my thoughts on my site.  TwirlyGirl has so generously given me a dress to write about.  I'm going to give you all my thoughts below, but just in case you are in a huge rush, here's the long and short of it:  these birthday girl dresses are outrageously fabulous!
First of all, honey, when the dress arrived at my flat, it was wrapped in the cutest pink fabric.  I was like, what's this about?  Then I realized, it was made to look like a candy wrapper, and that inside you were getting a sweet little treat.  Come on!  How cute is that?!?  Don's answer, because I will.  I opened the dress up and held it to my niece, who is only seven years old.  We'll, she nearly fell out of her high chair, she was so delighted.  Just kidding.  She outgrew that years ago.  Anyway, I told her to run in to her room and change into her new birthday dress so that she could model it for me.  She's a good little girl, and did just that.  When she came out in her new dress, I almost fell out of my rascal!  Just kidding, I don't have one of those motorized wheelchair things, but don't they look fun?!  I told my girl to spin and twirl and put on a little show.  You should've seen her face come alive.   This girl absolutely adored her dress.  She was so excited, you would've thought it was her birthday.  She started laughing and giggling, then I started cheering and hollering.  You would've thought that I was the girl in the birthday dress, not her!  Laughing out loud, youngin's!  

Yes, this birthday dress costs a little more than that garbage you see at the big box stores, but all of TwirlyGirl's dresses are made right here in the USA.  If you want quality, you have to pay for it.  But hey, I would much rather have one dress that my girl wears all the time, then ten dresses that just sit in the back of her closet.  What's the point of that!?  Plus these dresses are so soft, and comfy.  TwirlyGirl knows that girls hate itchy seems, so they are all hidden so that they don't touch the skin.  And the way they combine prints is so terrific.  These birthday dresses are so alive and vibrant.  It's like, OMG, can you believe girls get to wear these things!  Why can we all?!

So, that's what I think about the TwirlyGirl girls birthday dress.  It is so special and terrific.  I'm posting the link below so that you can go to their website and see for yourself.  But be warned: once you girl tries one TwirlyGirl dress, she's going to want to try them all!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Girls Birthday Dresses are Sweeping Facebook

I've recently noticed that a new social media campaign is sweeping Facebook. It seems that every time I log on, one friend or another is commenting, liking, of sharing the status of one small company that manufactures girls dresses.  It's not a paid advertisement, so I guess that means the business has genuine fans that just likes to share info with other people. The biz that I'm talking about is called TwirlyGirl.  I looked them up on google and took a look at their website.  Apparently they sell a specific kind of girls birthday dress that kids just can't seem to get enough of.

What exactly is a birthday dress?  It's a type of garment that is made for girls that is both fun, soft, comfortable and easy to care for.  They are perfect for dressy occasions because they are so special.  However they are also appropriate for everyday wear because they are comfortable and inexpensive. You don't even need to take them to the dry cleaners.  You can just toss them in the wash, put then in the dryer, and voila.  Done.  I guess this is what makes them so popular with girls and with moms!

What I like most about this website is how creative it is.  They don't just sell a birthday girl dress.  They sell of lifestyle based on imagination, creativity, and empowerment.  All of their dresses are accompanied by short stories or poems that describe what they are in a really fun fashion.  Girls like to go to this website just to read their content.  How original is that?!  They also have a live chat feature so it's easy and convenient to chat with a style coordinator if you have any questions about the dresses.

But don't take my word for it.  See for yourself. You'll likely spend hours just hanging out there.  Sometimes you shop for girls dresses.  Other times you'll just spend some time reading their stories, or listening to their podcasts, just because its such a hoot.  The site is called TwirlyGirl, and this link will take you to them.  Have fun and lose yourself!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Birthday Dresses are Perfect for Flower Girls

A wedding is a great cause for celebration. Not only is it the union of two people, it's the day the bride has been dreaming of since she was a little girl.   All eyes should be on her, which means that she should be wearing the most spectacular gown at the party.  But of course, he bridesmaids should also look beautiful, because they're up next in terms of marriage.  And last, but not least, are the flower girls.  Women often have trouble finding gowns to dress up these girls, but they need not.  They've just been searching for the wrong item.  Instead they should simply do an internet search for the term girls birthday dress.
These are are special dresses that are more festive than normal outfits.  They stand apart, but of course, don't compete with what the lady is wearing.  A birthday dress is fun, festive, lively, and special.  But most importantly, they should be comfortable for the little girl who's wearing them, because we all know that girls often have trouble being patient at long events.  When a girl wears a dress to a party, and she isn't comfy, she'll complain, fidget and squirm.  This is not what you want from your guests on a special occasion.

TwirlyGirlShop is an online store that specializes in birthday dresses for girls.  Their clothes are all made in the USA, are fun to wear, and relatively inexpensive.  A new bride doesn't want to burst her budget on things like dresses for girls.  Plus, it really is fun to watch a little girl feel so important and beautiful on this special day.  Her face lights up, and brings added joy to an already terrific event.  If you would like to see what a girls birthday dress looks like, go to this site.  They have a wonderful collection of dresses girls can wear to birthdays, special events, or weddings.  You'll be amazed at how reasonably priced they are as well.  Don't buy a dress that a girl can only wear once.  Buy her one she can wear to school, to church, to parties, or even to the beach.  Browse their incredible selection here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Jurassic Park full of Girls Birthday Dresses

I've just returned from an expedition to a magical island from the past.  Those of you who've seen the movie Jurassic Park might be acquainted with this idea.  However, instead of a land where dinosaurs roam, this is an island inhabited by ancient girls dresses for birthdays.

Hard to believe, but true.  These dresses are made out of grass, branches, animal hide, beaver pelt, leather and rocks.  It's hard to imagine what the cave girls of hundreds of thousands of years ago looked like in their primitive girls birthday dresses.  But it's easy to picture them jumping for joy and doing some kind of primitive party dance in their dresses.  I wonder what these cromagnum girls unwrapped for their birthdays.  Perhaps rocks or sticks or even spears.  

One thing is for certain, these birthday girl dresses must have brought a lot of joy to their primitive owners.  They probably thumped their drum skins pretty loud.  Imagine a birthday girl making a cave painting in her dress.  The paint would've been made from berries or crushed leaves ground into some kind of tincture.  The only question that remains in my mind is how did these neanderthal girls know when their birthdays fell if they didn't have a calendar?  Do they just guess?  Does a birthday girl just wake up one day, get dressed and say, today is my birthday so I want to celebrate.  I have so many questions, but alas my visit to this mysterious place didn't answer any.  I just raised more conundrums for me to ponder.  I hope one day to return to birthday girl dress island, as I have since dubbed it.  Of course, I don't know if I ever will because transit to this place cost almost 3 dollars, and I only have thirty-five cents left in my piggy bank.  But if I ever raise enough money to return, then I hope to bring back a sample with me.  I will donate it to the Museum of Natural History, because obviously, girls birthday dresses hold a very important place in our collective conscience.  

If you have a desire to see how the birthday girl dress has evolved over the eons, then please visit this wonderful site.  They have a terrific selection, great customer service, and there are no Homo Erectus working the telephone, so they won't respond to you with grunts or clicks.  Enjoy amigos!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bigfoot loves Birthday Girl Dresses

This just in from the Pacific Northwest:  Bigfoot has been captured on film. And he wasn't even in the forest.  He was in the city of Spokane, Washington, in search of girls birthday dresses.  Yes, the hairy Sasquatch has a daughter, and her eighth birthday is coming up, and he needs to get her a cute girls party dress.  So he did a little window shopping and took some time to pose for the locals.  After hamming it up for a good half hour, the yeti returned to his quest for the perfect birthday girl dress.

It has long been known that this ten foot tall creature had a predilection for girls birthday dresses.  Last year, three birthday dresses went missing during a girls camping trip.  Footprints confirmed what everyone had long suspected.  This was the works of a half-man, half-ape creature from the woods.  Moreover, he left a strand of hair on a thorn bush.  The hair was analyzed for DNA and it came back with 99% certainty that the hair belonged to Bigfoot.  

Little Foot, which is the name his daughter goes by, loves to attend parties.  Naturally, she needs a girls party dress that is roomy, since she is quite big herself.  Girls birthday dresses are perfect for her because they make her feel cute and feminine.  This is something she desperately needs, since she stands 8 feet tall and weighs close to half a ton.  Like any other human girl, she enjoys wearing party dresses to birthdays because they are so festive and lovely.  If you know any girls who no longer need their birthday dresses, send them to Little F, and she will gladly take them so that she can traipse through the woods looking her best.  

Girls birthday dresses can be hard to find.  They are almost as rare as Bigfoot himself.  However, this fabulous online store has a whole bunch of them.  In fact, their selection of birthday girl dresses is something you won't believe until you see.  Don't believe me?   Check it out yourself here.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Girls Birthday Dresses from the 1800s

The styles and fashions of the 1800s has long been an area of interest for me.  I grew up with 7 older sisters, so I was exposed to fashion at an early age.  The fact that I was a boy made no difference to my sisters.  They loved girls dresses and so did I.  I spent countless hours playing with their collection of old-fashioned dolls, which exposed me particularly to the area of fashion in the 1800s.  Later, this knowledge served me well as a lineman for the the New England Patriots, where I played for 7 seasons.  One season for each of my sisters.  LOL!

Birthday Girls Dresses of the 19th century includes the Federal Area, Jacksonian Era, Dickens, Manifest Destiny, Victorian, Antebelum, American Civil Warn, Gilded Age, Gay 90's (whoo-hoo!) and the Old West.

My love of this area of dresses for girls birthdays extends to hoop skirts, blouses, camisoles, chemises (obviously), drawers, hoop-slips,over and under hoop-slips, and hats.  Hat of course include straw hats, amp, felt, et al.

As the 19th century progressed, woman's form lines were more and more revealed.  The waistline deepened, returning to it's natural polace.  The bodice got tighter, and the skirt became fuller and more shaped like a bell.  Hello girls birthday dresses!  Petticoats, often made of horsehair (can you say nay?) were quite in the mode.  The word crinoline comes from the french word crin, which means horsehair.  Yikes!

Girls wore bonnets outside and they wore linen caps inside.  That was how they could tell outside from inside, back on their birthdays.  Petticoats were often made from steel frames, or hoops that held it away from the legs.  Can you believe it?  Yikey McMikey!  By the end of the 19th century, girls dress styles changed.  The silhouette deepened.  Magazines started publishing paper patterns for dresses, and a whole exiting new era for fashion was born.  By the 20th century, the fashion industry was in full swing.  Girls dresses were being pumped out by the thousands.  Working in factories that made birthday dresses wasn't much fun for girls.  They locked you in and treated you miserably.  The girls worked round the clock, even on their birthdays, and I can't imagine they were allowed to model their dresses in front of the mirrors very often.  Maybe for just a few hours a day.  Barbarian!

In the Victorian Era, the rich really got to have some fun.  Ain't that always the case, though?  The poor had to rely on second hand clothing, altering the clothes themselves to fit.  And they often had to hem patches on them.  Patches!  I don't like patches on girls dresses for their birthday.  It's bad enough when school teachers sew them on the elbows of their blazers.  

In the late 1890s, under the reign of Queen Victoria.. God save the Queen clothes got plainer and the bustle got smaller.  Girls had a lot less fun in their dresses, if you ask me.  Honestly, Queens like that give other queens a bad name.  Bodices often had bones in them.  So that was the first time a birthday girl got boned in her dress.  LOL.  I don't get it.  Do you want to see some real girls birthday dresses?  If you do, go to this website.  If you don't, go anyway!  LOL.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One Girl's Birthday Dress Wish

This birthday I will be a nine year old girl.  I will have 10 candles on my cake, one for good luck, which means I get ten wishes, right?  Well, I know exactly what I'm going to wish for.  This little girl wants a beautiful dress for her birthday.  And why not?  I want to look special and beautiful.  That's very important, because I'm starting to age now, and I don't want to lose my youthful appearance.  That would be very difficult for me.  

Birthday dresses are very important because they make the wearer feel special on her special day.  It's kind of like a bride when she gets married.  She's supposed to be the most beautiful girl at the wedding.  Well, it's no different for a nine year old.  She should be the most beautiful girl at her birthday.  I mean, how embarrassing would it be if everyone sang happy birthday to the wrong girl?!  And how weird would it be if the guests arrived and saw a different girl in a beautiful dress and assumed it was her birthday and not the host's birthday, and they gave her the presents and well wishes instead.  That would be absolutely horrid and unforgivable.  Fortunately it's very avoidable.  You just have to make sure the birthday girl is wearing a special dress.  

Here are the criteria that different a birthday dress from an ordinary dress.  A birthday dress must be colorful, vibrant, and they have to have a wow factor.  That means they must twirl or turn inside out or do something absolutely amazing.   I saw some dresses for girls that it this description perfectly.  I'm not going to tell you where I saw them until the end of this blog posting, because I'm learning how to build suspense.  Hey, give me a break.  I'm only nine!  You should've seen me yesterday.  I was only eight.  LOL.

Anyway, I really hope I get a stunning girls birthday dress this year.  Last year, I got a sock full of nickels.  What a disappointment.  A dress would've been so much better.  Wait.  What was it I wanted to tell you?  Oh yeah.  Now I remember.  I was going to recommend a terrific website that sells girls birthday dresses.  My favorite one can be found here.  Just click this link and you will be transported to a magical world.  A world where a girl gets ten birthday wishes, they all come true and they're all birthday dresses!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Review for TwirlyGirl Girls Dresses

I recently purchased a beautiful girls dress from TwirlyGirl.  Holy cow as I surprised!  The customer service was terrific.  The woman on the phone was very friendly, and she helped me pick out the most beautiful girls dress I had ever seen.  I went on to their website, and they had a huge selection of girls dresses, so I was a little overwhelmed.  But they calmed me down and directed me to the right page where I found the perfect gift for my five year old daughter.  She is a girl who loves dresses, so once we found TwirlyGirl, I knew she was in heaven.

When the dress came to our house, it was beautiful wrapped.  The wrapping looked like candy.  I couldn’t believe there was a girls dress inside that thing!  I was blown away!  What a show stopper.  I never knew girls dresses could be so unbelievable beautiful.  These dresses were way more beautiful than boys dresses, which is like comparing apples to oranges.  So it’s not even worth mentioning.  But the point is, I was floored and my daughter, who is one of the girls I dress, was floored too.  In fact, she spent most of the day and part of the evening twirling on the floor with her girl dress.  She treated the thing like a mop, instead of the priceless piece of fashion that it was!  But whatever, the girl was having fun in her dress, so let her have fun. If she ruins it, I can always find more girls dresses, but not as cool as these.  So on second thought, maybe I should take it from her until she’s old enough to take good care of it.

But let's be honest, girls take much better care of their girls dresses than boys do of their jeans.  Boys are like animals.  They roll in the dirt, get paint and stuff on themselves, etc.  Girls at least have a brain in their head.  They know not to wipe their dirty peanut butter and jelly hands all over their clothes. That would be a nightmare to wash.  When I buy dresses for girls, I make sure she's house broken, to say the least.  And I never buy her anything white.  That's a big mistake.  And I'm not just talking about labor day colors.  White will soon look like toilet paper, if you catch my drift.  So if you give someone girls dresses, and you suspect she's a messy marvin, give her a polka dot print.  Or plaid.  Or paisley.  Something that will hide the door and smudges.  Keep the girls away from anything that is too precious.  Or give her etiquette classes first.  If she was raised in a barn, you don't want her near these dresses.  Only classy, high functioning little ladies should wear these awesome, cute little dresses or else these girls will ruin them.  Not cool for school Peter O'Toole, you don't want these girls dresses covered in drool, that's the golden rule!  Ok, I said enough.  Good night and good luck.  Learn more here.